Home Featured World Common Namibian Surnames

Common Namibian Surnames

This post is related to Namibian Surnames. Namibia is famous for its natural attractions. Namibia exports diamonds, fish products, beef and meat products. Namibia has the oldest desert in the world & world heritage site.

1- Paulus

The meaning of Paulus is humble.

2- Angula

It means awaken.

3- David

It means beloved.

4- Thomas

The meaning of Thomas is twin.

5- Gabriel

It means god is my strength.

6- Itana

It means dedication.

7- Moses

It means drawn out.

8- Nafuka

It means to be free.

9- Jonas

It means peaceful being.

10- Martin

It means of mars.

11- Meyer

It means higher or superior.

12- Daniel

It means god is my judge.

13- Amon

It means the hidden one.

14- Edward

It means prosperous guardian.

15- Tobias

It means god is good.

16- Salom

The meaning of Salom is fortunate.

17- Mateus

It means bush or forest.

18- Vries

They known as a frisian.

19- Simeon

It means to hearken.

20- Samuel

It means god has set.

21- Muronga

The meaning of Muronga is ambition.

22- Boois

It refers to elephant.

23- Swartz

It means dark or black.

24- Jason

The meaning of Jason is healer.

25- Jeremia

It means god is high.

26- Mubita

It means stranger.

27- Lazarus

It means god has helped.

28- Kanana

It means pampered.

29- Alfeus

The meaning of Alfeus is successor.

30- Adams

It means son of adam.

31- Silas

It means wood or forest.

32- Linus

It is associated with wood or forest.

33- Jafet

It means enlarged.

34- Jacobs

It means supplanter.

35- Imene

It means dream or faith.

36- Murangi

The meaning of Murangi is leader.

37- Hengari

It means ambition.

38- Isak

It means laughter.

39- Mathias

It means gift of god.

40- Shoombe

It means kindness.

41- Ananias

It means gift of the lord.

42- Hoveka

It means successful.

43- Aron

It means mount of strength.

44- Goliath

It means exile.