This post is related to OBC cast surname list in Maharashtra. OBC cast community is very big in Maharashtra. OBC means other backward class which are educationally or socially backward. In this website you will get each countries surnames list.
OBC Caste Surname List is very huge. Kindly share this post with everyone & also check other posts.
1- Bhujabal
It means strength.
2- Phule
It is associated with flower.
3- Tajane
Tajane means peak.
4- Kolape
The meaning of Kolape is kind.
5- Kendre
It means courage.
6- Jadhav
It means seafarer.
7- Landge
It is associated with wolf.
8- Wagh
It refers to tiger.
9- Shirsat
They known as a guider.
10- Ambhore
Ambhore means successful.

11- Dhage
It is associated with cloud.
12- Raut
Raut means prince.
13- Sarang
It means affection.
14- Patil
They known as a village headman.
15- Shinde
It means small pebbles.
16- Mane
It means one with great pride.
17- Thakare
They known as a warrior.
18- Baviskar
It means volatile.
19- Navale
Navale means innovative.
20- Choure
It means flexible.
21- Shelar
They known as stone breaker.
22- Kadam
It means path.
23- Ahire
It means fearless.
24- Borhade
It means successful.
25- Waje
The meaning of Waje is announcer.
26- Borse
Borse means holy.
27- Tidke
It means winner.
28- Kanade
It means beautiful.
29- Ghuge
It refers to plum or a type of fruit.
30- Dolas
It means good vision.
31- Palve
It means helper.
32- Londhe
Londhe means creative.
33- Tekale
It means idealistic.
34- Satpute
Sat came from a word sapt which means seven and pute means son.
35- Dabhade
It means brave.
36- Ghodke
It means visionary.
37- Valvi
The meaning of Valvi is inspiring.
38- Dongare
Dongare came from a word dongar which means hill.
39- Katkar
It is associated with cutting profession.
40- Keskar
Keskar is associated with marathi word kesar which means saffron.
41- Gawali
They known as a milk man.
42- Gujar
They known as a destroyer of enemies.
43- Bhojane
Bhojane came from a word Bhojana which means meal.
44- Tayade
It means to be victorious.
45- Mahajan
The meaning of Mahajan is moneylender.
46- Rane
It refers to king.
47- Bhagat
They known as a devotee of god.
48- Sawant
Sawant means universally present.
49- Shimpi
It refers to tailor.
50- Sutar
They knonw as a carpenter.
51- Naik
They known as a chief leader.
52- Mule
It refers to horn.
53- Arolkar
It means wealth.
54- Todankar
Todankarknown as a carpenter.
55- Bhagde
It means prosperous.
56- Wadekar
The meaning of Wadekar is cheerful.
57- Pawaskar
It means friendly.
58- Lad
Lad means beloved.
59- Pawar
It means eternity.
60- Talekar
It means cheerful.