In this post we are going to discuss surname list of Assam. Assam comes in North East region of India. Assam is famous for tea and silk. Bihu is popular festival in Assam. Assamese people are very kindhearted. This website is specially made for surname list. In this website you will get all over the worlds peoples surname. kindly refer below surname list of Assamese people.
Most common surname in Assam
1- Biswas
Biswas comes from word Vishwas which means faith or trust.
2- Goswami
Goswami means master or Lord.
3- Barua
Barua refers to clerk.
4- Bora
The meaning of Bora means big.
5- Mahanta
Mahanata refers to chief or headman.
6- Das
Das means servant or devotee.
7- Hazarika
Hazarika comes from word hazar which means one thousand.
8- Dutta
Dutta means given.
9- Baruah
Baruah refers to village headman.
10- Phukan
Phukan known as a trader.

11- Hussain
Hussain means beautiful.
12- Bishaya
Bishaya means anxiety.
13- Dev
Dev word refers to God.
14- Sonowal
Sonowal derived from word Sona which means gold.
15- Ajmal
Ajmal means most handsome.
16- Deka
Deka means one who leads.
17- Teli
Teli known as a oil trader.
18- Roy
Roy refers to king.
19- Sarania
Sarania means peace.
20- Tasa
Tasa means praise.
All Assamese Surnames List
21- Bey
Bey known as master.
22- Brahma
Brahma means growth.
23- Patowary
Patowary means land or property.
24- Pegu
Pegu refers to river or water.
25- Neog
Neog means young.
26- Thapa
They known as Warrior or Soldier.
27- Bhuyan
Bhuyan means wealthy.
28- Konwar
It means young Prince.
29- Mahali
Mahali known as Gardener.
30- Ghosh
The meaning of Ghosh is singer.
31- Gogoi
Gogoi means Lord.
32- Kashyap
Kashyap means tortoise or deer.
33- Kalita
Kalita means village headman.
34- Chetri
Chetri means protector.
35- Kurmi
Kurmi means to plow.
36- Murmu
The meaning of murmu is creative.
37- Mondal
Mondal refers to village headman.
38- Bhanu
Bhanu means sun or radiant.
39- Terang
The meaning of Terang is bright.
40- Guwala
Guwala means Co-operative.
41- Mura
Mura means excellent.
42- Rai
the meaning of rai is King.
43- Rabidas
They associate with the leather work.
44- Hasda
Hasda means helpful.
45- Narah
the meaning of Narah is human.
46- Koch
It means cook.
47- Goala
Goala refers to cow.
48- Saha
The meaning of Saha is together.
49- Timung
Timung means creativity.
50- Majhi
Majhi known as middleman.
51- Sahu
The meaning of Sahu is together.
52- Lama
Lama means flame or fire.
53- Morang
Morang means hill.
54- Momin
Momin means believer.
55- Hojai
Hojai refers to son of priest.
56- Nag
Nag word refers to snake.
57- Rohman
Rohman means merciful.
58- Borman
Borman means farmer.
59- Bonia
Bonia means good or kind.
60- Sen
Sen known as Warrior.
61- Koiri
Koiri means one who cultivate the land.
62- Dhar
Dhar means duty.