In this post you will get surname list of Indian cricket players. Cricket is very famous sports in the world. In this website you will get all sports players surnames with meanings. there are lots of sports in the world so in this website you will find surname of every sports players.
Surname List Of Indian Cricket Players very popular. IPL is very famous in the world. Because of IPL there are lots of players getting good salary. Share this post to whom they don’t know about Indian cricket players surname.
1- Tendulkar
Tendul means tamhan or curved & kar means maker so combined tendulkar known as onw who makes or does something curved.
Some researches says that this surname comes from tendul village.
2- Ganguly
Ganguly comes from a word ganga which refers to ganges river & uloy which means residence. it can be intepreted as one who hails from a place near the Ganges.
3- Dhoni
The meaning of Dhoni is great person.
4- Sharma
Sharma refers to joyfull.
5- Dev
Dev refers to god.
6- Dravid
The meaning of Dravid is wealthy.
7- Kohli
Kohli derived from the word kohlan which refers to community in the Punjabi region.
8- Jadega
Jadega refers to descendant of yadavas.
9- Kishan
Kishan surname comes from lord Krishna.
10- Sehwag
The meaning of Sehwag is goddess of darkness.

11- Gill
Gill means prosperity.
12- Shami
Shami refers to one with Syrian ancestry.
13- Rahane
Rahane means to live.
14- Patel
Patel known as village chief or head of the community.
15- Thakur
Thakur known as lord or master.
16- Dhawan
Dhawan comes from Sanskrit word dhawani which means voice.
17- Raina
Raina means noble or royal.
18- Gambhir
Gambhir menas deep or serious.
19- Sidhu
The meaning of Sidhu is enlightened.
20- Shastri
Shastri name comes form a word Shashtra which means teaching.
21- Gavaskar
Gavaskar surname comes from Gawadwadi.
22- Kaif
The meaning of Kaif is pleasure.
23- Kambli
Kambli comes from a word kambala which means blanket.
24- Shaw
Shaw means small wood.
25- Pandya
Pandya refers to scholar or teacher.
26- Jadhav
Jadhav means lightning.
27- Agarkar
Agarkar means inside.
28- Pant
Pant comes from a word Pandita which means Scholar.
29- Khan
Khan known as a ruler.
30- Bumrah
The meaning of Bumrah is gift of god.
31- Siraj
Siraj refers to lamp or light.
32- Karthik
Karthik surname comes from a lord Murugan or Skanda.
33- Jaiswal
Jaiswal means victory.
34- Dube
Dube means Zebra.
35- Singh
Singh surname refers to lion.
36- Malhotra
Malhotra known as chief.
37- Agarwal
Agarwal comes from a city Agroha.
38- Markande
They known as a devotee of god.
39- Pandey
Pandey means scholar.
40- Prasad
Prasad means food offering to the gods.
41- Ojha
Ojha means teacher or instructor.
42- Saini
Saini refers to groups.
43- Rana
Rana comes from a word Ran which means battle.
44- Chawla
Chawla comes from a word chawal which means rice.
45- Panchal
Panchal derived from a word Panch which means five.
46- Chahar
Chahar means four.
47- Tripathi
Tri means three & pathi means path. Tripathi refers to onw who knows three paths.
48- Patidar
Patidar known as landowner.
49- Bishnoi
Bishnoi surname comes from Bishnoi community.
50- Gaikwad
Gaikwad means cowherd.
51- Samson
Samson means like the sun.
52- Ahmed
Ahmed means one who praises.
53- Nazeem
Nazeem means organizer or arranger.
54- Srinath
Srinath surname refers to god.
55- Iyer
Iyer means a respected person.
56- Kumble
Kumble surname comes from a Kumbla place in Karnataka.
57- Kaul
Kaul means well born.
58- Mongia
They known as a Textile trader.
59- Yadav
Yadav surname refes to king yadu.
60- Malik
Malik means king.
61- Aaron
Aaron means mountain of strength.
62- Shankar
Shankar surname comes from lord shiva.
63- Saha
Saha means alongside.
64- Chahal
Chahal comes from word chah which refers to a water source.
65- Prabhakar
Prabhakar means light or radiance.