Home Boy Names Unique 2 letter boy names in french

Unique 2 letter boy names in french

This post is about unique 2 letter boy names in French. France is famous for Eiffel Tower, High Fashion, best cuisine, arts and entertainment. France mostly Exports pharmaceutical products, aircrafts, food products, beauty products etc.

In this website you will get all countries boy and girls name list with meaning and also last name list of each and every country. if you like this post kindly share with everyone.

1- Pierre

It refers to rock or stone.

2- Rene

The meaning of Rene is reborn.

3- Marc

It dedicated to Mars.

4- Franck

It means free one.

5- Jules

The meaning of Jules is youthful.

6- Serge

It means guardian.

7- George

The meaning of George is earthworker.

8- Jean

Jean means god is gracious.

9- Herve

It means strong and worthy.

10- Rod

it is associated with island of reeds.

11- Gilles

It refers to young goat.

12- Willy

It means determine protector.

13- Numa

It means beautiful or pleasant.

14- Pio

It means Pious..

15- Hugo

Hugo means mind.

16- Andre

They known as a warrior.

17- Niels

It refers to champion.

18- Darry

The meaning of Darry is wealthy.

19- Lino

It means flax.

20- Harry

They known as a ruler.

21- Sacha

It means Defender.

22- Max

The meaning of Max is greatest.

23- Phil

It means lover of horses.

24- Mat

It means gift of god.

25- Dan

It means god is my judge.

26- Remy

It means oarsman.

27- Cali

It means lovely.

28- Yvan

The meaning Yvan is God is gracious

29- Yves

It means yew.

30- Nilda

The meaning of Nilda is battle armor.

31- Sao

it means rescuer.

32- Tom

The meaning of tom is innocence.

33- Eddy

It means rich in friendship.

34- Paul

The meaning of Paul is humble.

35- Bruno

Bruno means dark.

36- Theo

It means a gift from God.

37- Blaise

It means stammer.

38- Youri

It refers to farmer.

39- Henri

Henri means home ruler.

40- Sidy

The meaning of Sidy is King.

41- Petr

It is associated with Rock or stone.

42- Rudy

It refers to famous wolf.

43- Tony

The meaning of Tony is priceless.

44- Bob

Bob means bright.

45- Pape

It is associated with priest.

46- Ronny

It means advise of the ruler.

47- Mael

It refers to chief.

48- Coty

It means helpful.

49- Gage

It means pledge.

50- Leo

It is associated with lion.

51- Andy

The meaning of andy is brave.

52- Roy

It refers to king.

53- Remi

It means the first.

54- Sacha

It means Defender.

55- Zeke

It means pure.

56- Razo

Razo means Royal.

57- Abi

It means a joy of a father.

58- Autry

It means Noble strength.

59- Dax

It refers to leader.

60- Lave

It means authority.

61- Noe

It means repose.

62- Vrai

It means true.